imgres-7I’ve been challenged to write

‘Bout onomatopoeia,

The  brief’s rather tight,

So you’d better offer a prayer,

That I find a word

That sounds like its sound,

And don’t just find myself

Going around and around,

To find  buzz or fizz, meow or boo hoo,

Or even the marvellous plop or choo choo! 

It comes from two Greek words,

For ‘name’ and ‘I make’,

You may find it absurd,

You may think me a flake,

My speech may get slurred,

But I love this form of expression,

I’m a dictionary nerd,

It’s a form of obsession.

My latest is ‘twonk’,

Which is slang for a berk,

It’s a  fool and a dunderhead,

A cretin or jerk,

A pinhead, an imbecile,

A git with a smerk.

So what about baa, or bash or boo?

Or clink, clank or clatter,

Ahem or achoo!

Crackle, crunch or chatter,

Or the wily cuckoo?

I love all these words,

The question is, reader, do you?
